Online group classes

I host online group classes over Zoom every week.
They are a great way to get familiar with some of my techniques from the comfort of your own home.

Each session is £10.00


Chakra Balancing via Zoom
A seven week journey working through emotional blockages via the chakras

6.45pm - 8pm 

Facial Workout
Focusing on the eye area, then full face with facial rejuvenation massage and rejuvenation massage.

8 - 8.30pm 


Gua Sha
Facial reflexology and facial lifting, focusing on different body systems each week.

7 - 8.15pm 


Facial Workout
Facial workout with tools (gua sha mushroom & wand, which can be bought from us), plus buccal massage. 

11am - midday 


Facial Workout
Facial workout with gua sha mushroom and wand, which can be bought from us focussing specifically on the neck and jaw

8.30am - 9am

Neck as Before

Facial Exercise
With rejuvenation massage

Advanced Facial
Workout including buccal massage. Gua Sha tools required

Facial Exercise
With rejuvenation massage

To book treatments and online sessions, please email or call